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Death of Anne Robey-Graham

The following is from Gary Moore, GCI director in Canada.

Anne and Gordon Graham

We are saddened to announce the death of Anne Robey-Graham, wife of Gordon Graham who pastored GCI churches in Canada for several years. To read Anne’s obituary, click here.

Gordon and Anne lived in Arizona for the last several years. Here is a short note from Gordon:

Anne and I had a wonderful marriage for five years less one week. I am returning to work as a research professor at a university in Arizona on January 9. I have learned that it is better to be engaged in meaningful work than to face empty days. I have stopped trying to plan life out in great detail, so who knows, I may see you all again in the years ahead!

If you would like to send a card or note to Gordon, his address is:

Gordon Graham
6607 E Saddleback Street
Mesa, AZ 85215


2 thoughts on “Death of Anne Robey-Graham”

  1. We are sorry to hear of the loss of your wife Anne. May God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, keep you and your family snuggled closely in His loving, caring and compassionate arms during this time – and always.
    In Christian Love,
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  2. I am so sorry ๐Ÿ™ I had Dr. Anne last semester and she was an amazing woman. I cannot believe the news. She was so understanding and gave me a heartfelt note on one of my papers about my recent miscarriage. I am so shocked.

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