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GCI pastor awarded Ph.D.

Last February, Roger Galstad who pastors the GCI congregation in Eau Claire, WI, was awarded a Ph.D. in religious studies by Trinity Theological Seminary of Newburgh, IN. Congratulations Roger!

Roger’s dissertation, Man’s Ignorance and God’s Grace: A Case for Conditional Immortality has been self-published in a book with the same title.

4 thoughts on “GCI pastor awarded Ph.D.”

  1. Congratulations, Roger on your excellent accomplishment! May the Lord continue to bless your ministry as you share with others what you have learned and experienced.

  2. Well deserved Roger. I know you’ve worked very hard for a long time on this. God’s very best to you as you move forward.

  3. Congratulations!
    Would like to get a copy your book if possible.
    It seems you have covered a very important aspect of the
    Gospel message.
    Paul Smith

  4. “Study to show yourself approved to God,…,rightly dividing the word of truth.” Congratulations Roger for using your multiple talents.

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