GCI Update
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Latin America update

This update is from Hector Barrero, GCI missions director for Latin America.

About 60 people from El Salvador and Honduras gathered April 5-7 for their annual seminar at the Agricultural Center of Comayagua, a city two hour’s drive from Tegucigalpa the capital of Honduras.

Five main lectures were presented: Started in heaven; The Vicarious Work of Jesus; Participants by His Spirit; A Church that Reflects the Grace of God; and Avoiding Pitfalls in Ministry.

Marco Antonio Mejia, GCI pastor in San Pedro Sula brought to the seminar three young people that started as children in his congregation and now actively serve with other youths. It was a positive and productive seminar that got us closer as brothers and sisters.

We have started monthly video conferences (using Skype) where leaders from different areas in Latin America gather online to discuss different aspects of their congregations, personal experiences and other subjects of mutual interest. This has proven to be a very positive way to edify each other.