This update is from elder Ted Millhuff.

After two months of donations at services of Grace of God Fellowship, Tucson, Nanette Krestle took 82 boxes of toiletries to the Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse on March 26. The Emerge Center is very thankful for the donations and was surprised that a congregation of our size could do so much.
During the spring and summer of 2011, we began working with Mentally Ill Kids In Distress (MIKIDS) set in motion by one of our members, Nanette Krestle, a project manager at the firm. The project involved an angel tree which had requests for gifts. Each child asked for a needed piece of clothing, which our members provided. This was a huge success and was heartwarming due to the incoming cards of thanks from several families.
After we finished that project, we took the next step, based on our outreach on the Care then Share approach taught at last year’s conference. We planned an Easter Service for the MIKIDs families to be held at our church. The overall planning by Pastor Tom and Michelle Landess and Nanette Krestel included all of our members taking part in this activity. We had 100 percent participation.

On April 15, 2012, we had approximately 35 adults and children join us for services. Michelle led children’s songs, Tom gave a short message and Nanette led the kids out for an plastic egg hunt. Each egg had candy and there were four with $50 gift certificates and ten with $10 gift certificates. We had a lunch in our fellowship hall with games for kids. We gave away more prizes and bibles for adults, teens, and children along with some CDs and coloring books. Two families talked to Tom and said they would like to start coming to services.
The Director of the MIKID Organization attended this special event as well. She wants to connect more with our church in the future, with the intent of sending other MIKID families to us. The Director sees the need for a faith-based connection for all those families and saw that our people can fill that need for them. Wow – truly great beginnings!
Such an encouraging report and a great example of the Holy Spirit at work in the church. Thank you for sharing! -Thom