GCI Update
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Grenada retreat

This update is from Charles Fleming, GCI’s missions director for the Caribbean region.

May 11-13, the Grenada church hosted its second annual leadership retreat, with approximately 50 in attendance. Guest presenter was Greg Williams, Regional Pastor overseeing GCI congregations in the Eastern United States. Greg drew on his experience from his years of service to Generations Ministries to lead discussions on ministering to young people.

Greg also administered the Platinum Rule (relationship styles) survey, which helps participants learn about their temperaments. This led to lively discussions and was timely as the church has been recently joined by a group of former Adventists who have increased church attendance by nearly 50%.

Carmen Fleming served as the retreat’s spiritual director, leading insightful spiritual formation exercises much appreciated by the participants. Gus Thomas, a Grenadian living in Canada and serving as an elder in Toronto gave an inspiring presentation on relational evangelism.

During meal time many persons got together to sing songs of praise to God (see picture, above right). Meals were catered by Carlyle McIntyre a retired chef who worked in hotels in Miami and once was invited to cook for President Bill Clinton.

One of the highlights of the weekend was the opportunity to have two blessing of children services. In the first, we blessed 13 children, many of whom are members of the new group that recently joined us. In the second, we blessed newborn Abby McIntyre (picture at left).