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Charles Shelton

Here is an update on the previous prayer requests for Charles Shelton.

Charles reports that he is doing much better – he preached in his congregation last Sunday! The cancerous soft tissue is shrinking and dissipating. The fluid around his lungs has reduced significantly. In other words, he is responding well to the chemotherapy. All are encouraged by his progress.

Charles now faces two more rounds of chemotherapy. Though each round sets him back a week or two, all is looking good. He appreciates all the prayers and support and asks that we continue to pray as he completes his treatment.

Cards may be sent to:

Charles Shelton
2674 Climax Rd
Orlando, KY 40460-8939

3 thoughts on “Charles Shelton”

  1. We are happy to hear of your improvement, and that you are responding well to the treatments. May you continue to improve with each day. Thinking of you.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  2. Can’t keep a good man down! Praise the Lord for being with His servant through the trial and in the pulpit.

  3. We are encouraged that God is with you and with the London, KY congregation through this trial and pray that his hands will continue to be upon you.

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