This update is from Eugene Guzon, GCI’s national leader in the Philippines and mission director for Northern Asia and Micronesia.
I recently traveled to Rayong City, Thailand, a two and a half hour drive from Bangkok. There I met with GCI pastor Joel and Beth Alisbo who work in Rayong as teachers, along with Jean Anne Almera. They gave me a tour of their mission’s halfway house and worship center. This place is also their venue for teaching English as a second language to Thai adults and children.

Several of our members now living in Rayong City received missions training in the Philippines. They saw the benefit of going to the mission field in teams, and now in Rayong City they serve in missions together. Because teaching English as a second language is a Thai government priority, the team found an English-language school to be an effective outreach ministry tool. They also serve at the Rayong City Juvenile Center, a correctional facility with about 500 inmates. There they conduct values and skills training and provide instruction in the English language. The center’s director has been so pleased with their ministry that he wants to open their training to the center’s employees.
The group is also reaching out through weddings. Recently, Pastor Joel and Pastor Dante Abatayo helped organize for an overseas Filipino couple a wedding at the exclusive Siam Country Club in the tourist area of Pattaya, a beach resort popular with tourists and expatriates. Pastor Joel gave the wedding sermon and Pastor Dante handled praise and worship. While many of the guests were Filipinos, some were middle class Thai nationals who also heard a presentation of the gospel in the message and music.
These are some of the things that excite our members in Rayong City and other parts of Thailand. In the midst life’s daily grind, these outreach ministries are building enduring relationships. Before the end of the year, the Rayong City members hope to host a short-term mission trip to their city. They covet your prayers and partnership, as they seek to participate in the life, love and work of God in Thailand.