GCI Update
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Shoebox mission

GCI’s Crossing Borders mission program goes into Mexico twice each year: for a week in the summer to be involved in a variety of mission activities and for a weekend in the winter to deliver hundreds of shoebox gifts to needy children. This year’s shoebox trip will occur on December 7-10 and Crossing Borders invites your involvement.

Due to the generosity of several GCI churches, Crossing Borders delivered about 400 shoeboxes of gifts to needy children last year. If you can help this year, see the instructions on the Crossing Borders website at www.cbmission.org (click on the Shoebox Ministry link).

It’s not too early as a church, school club, women’s group, community service club, neighbors, friends and family to start collecting items to pack into the shoeboxes — or to budget to help pay some of the expenses for the delivery trip. This ministry functions mainly by word-of-mouth, so we appreciate your passing news of this opportunity along to others.

Also, the invitation is open for anyone age 15 to 99 to come along on the trip to deliver the shoeboxes to Mexico. This is a great way to get a taste on a short trip of what cross-national mission work is like. It is always a life-transforming experience.

Questions? Contact Crossing Borders’ leaders at info@cbmission.org or at 903-746-4463.