GCI Update
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Canada update

This update is from GCI Canada national director Gary Moore.

It was a privilege and joy to attend recently the annual weekend worship celebration hosted by the Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada congregation. This year, about 60 of our members attended (see picture at right). They came from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

There was a happy buzz of fellowship before and after each service. A lovely chicken dinner was enjoyed on Saturday night, followed by a sing-a–long led by Jim Noseworthy (see picture below).

Jim Noseworthy leads the sing-a-long

During the celebration, the Moncton congregation presented a gift to Eric and Edna Vautour to commemorate their 30th anniversary in ministry. The Vautours are wonderful servant leaders of our New Brunswick churches who have yielded themselves to Jesus Christ in a wonderful and fruitful way.