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Easter resources

Easter2013Many reading this are putting finishing touches on messages for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Here are some resources you might find helpful:

  • Here is a powerful quote from T.F. Torrance:

“The empty tomb points to the revelation of the virgin birth; it is the unveiling of what was veiled, the resurrection out of our mortality of what was inserted into it and recreated within it. But such a resurrection of true man and true God points back to the virgin birth of Jesus as a union of true God and true man. The humiliation of Jesus began at Bethlehem and reached its climax on the cross, just before his glorification in the resurrection. The new life began at Bethlehem and reached its unveiling in the resurrection. Thus the mystery of the virgin birth is the basis of the mystery of the resurrection. By the mystery of the resurrection the mystery of the virgin birth becomes effective and understandable. Here we have a closed circle—to deny the virgin birth involves a denial of the resurrection, and vice versa” (T.F. Torrance in Incarnation: The Person and Life of Christ, p. 97).