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Lexie Ellis

Lexie Ellis, wife of retired pastor Mark Ellis in Australia (and sister of John McLean), has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain. After days of feeling unwell, she was admitted to hospital for tests, which have shown the tumor. The surgeon says it looks like melanoma, and she is on a waiting list for an operation. She has had battles with breast cancer and melanoma in recent times and was clear for 18 months, and she and Mark would much appreciate your prayers.

4 thoughts on “Lexie Ellis”

  1. Lexie, my dear college roommate, I know it has been a lot of years and a lot of miles! Steve and I were sorry to hear of the diagnosis, especially after your recent other health struggles. You may be assured that you, Mark and your family are in our hearts and prayers. I wish I was there to give you a big hug. Love, Harlean

  2. Hi Lexie & Mark,
    Sorry to hear about your latest health news. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Love Roy & Sheila

  3. To let you know that you are in heart and thought, and pray that all will go well with your operation.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  4. Dear Lexie & Mark, perhaps news like yours can help us all appreciate better the meaning of this season of resurrection that we are in. We pray for your restored health now and are grateful that we will put these mortal bodies away once and for all upon Jesus’ return.

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