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New church in the Philippines

New Creation Fellowship held its inaugural worship service on April 13 in Binan City in the Philippines.

gemmaThe new church is the outgrowth of small group Bible studies held beginning in 2005. The studies were conducted for children and adults by the husband-and-wife team of Nomer and Gemma Venus. Nomer will serve as the pastor, assisted by Gemma and other members of a pastoral team.

The initial Bible studies were mostly attended by the workers and family members of the business firm owned by Nomer and Gemma. Meetings were held under mango and acacia trees, until a concrete church building was built on the couple’s property. Since those meetings began, 60 people have been baptized, and 80 children have participated in a Vacation Bible School conducted in the summers.

At the inaugural service, area superintendent Rey Taniajura gave the sermon, there was a blessing of children service, a communion service, and the announcement that a prep school managed by the church will also be established by next year. Also, Gemma (shown in the picture at right) gave a testimony concerning the starting of the church.

One thought on “New church in the Philippines”

  1. May our Lord pour abundant blessings on you all as you allow His light to shine brightly through this new community of faith.

    Exciting news!

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