How does your congregation conduct the offering segment of your weekly worship service? Does your approach promote stewardship? Thom Rainer of LifeWay addresses that question in a recent blog post at In that post he features the video below as an example of an effective offertory message. Please use the “comment” feature below to share your thoughts and experiences related to effective offering services.
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I like this approach to the offering. It is indeed worship! Not a time to beg for money, I am not saying letting people know about a need is wrong but even then the focus should be on worship, not on amounts or guilting someone into doing something. God has NO need of our money. This is a chance when we can tangibly participate in the ministry of Jesus Christ. It is a joy that He has given us, one that is a physical chance for us to be a participant in something spiritual. I myself see this as answer to prayer, I have longed to do something physical “for God” and the answer to that prayer has been in front of me all the time and I have taken it for granted.
Thanks for this view change. Thanks for helping me see the joy that Jesus has “before me”.
Thank you for this valuable Offertory video example by Mike Glenn and the helpful Stewardship info by Thom Rainer. I appreciate that the teaching thought was the “Value” and the “meaning” that his wedding ring had to him “over the years” plus the thought that “everything we have and everything we are belongs and comes from God.” It gives greater meaning as to why we tithe because it conveys what we celebrate and profess. Thanks again, your bro, Tom