Looking for assistance in preparing Advent/Christmas sermons (or sermons any other time of the year)? GCI-USA regional pastor and CAD communications coordinator Ted Johnston reports that one of his favorite resources is Working Preacher—a website from the faculty at Luther Seminary that provides commentary and sample sermons related to the Revised Common Lectionary readings. As with all of such resources, what is found at Working Preacher will need some adaptation. However, it is a generally reliable resource that typically is Trinitarian in its theological perspective.
Working Preacher is found at www.workingpreacher.org/.
For additional ideas about using online resources for sermon preparation, go to www.lifeway.com/article/pastor-using-online-resources-sermon-preparation?emid=Content-PastorsToday-OnlineSermonPreparation-20130408. For suggestions about sermon preparation for bivocational pastors, go to: http://philipnation.net/2013/07/sermon-prep-for-the-bivocational-pastor/.