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John McKenna

McKennaPlease pray for Dr. John McKenna, GCI elder and Grace Communion Seminary board and faculty member. His wife Mickey McKenna told us that John had a stroke a few days ago. Thankfully she recognized the signs and immediately took John to the hospital. Rehabilitation has been prescribed as the next step in his recovery.

Card may be sent to:

Dr. John and Mickey McKenna
PO Box 3204
South Pasadena, CA 91031-6204

8 thoughts on “John McKenna”

  1. Dear Dr. McKenna,

    Thank you for your contributions to our fellowship. You were instrumental in helping broaden my horizons to see a more complete view of the Triune God. You were also instrumental in helping me realize that, even as one who has made a career of pursuing science and engineering, I am included!

    I also appreciate very much the writings of Dr. Tkatch of late on these related topics.

    Bill Tollner

  2. John,
    Sorry to hear about your stroke. Wilma and I are praying that God will bounce you back from it quickly.
    You’ve been a great blessing to our fellowship and to me personally. Thanks so much for participating with Christ in what he is doing to reveal the Father’s love to us in the Holy Spirit.
    And, by the way, Happy 80th birthday a day early!
    All of God’s choicest blessings in Jesus,

  3. Hello John,
    I am saddened to hear of your stroke. I pray our loving Lord gives you quick and complete healing.
    I so much appreciated what you taught me in Orlando the two times I was able to be there. I use it often in our small groups.I also appreciate your directness and courage.
    Wishing you all the best,


  4. Our Dearest John and Mickey,
    My wife and I are in prayer for you both in this trial. Be it known how much we love you and have appreciated your labors for us in the venues your gifted for. My first class on line was with you, and I did so appreciate my beginnings with you in this. So take heart, we look to God for your complete recovery! David and Linda Husmann.

  5. Out thoughts and prayers go out to you. May your rehabilitation process move you in the direction to a
    full recovery.
    Blessings to you.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

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