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Christian Leadership intensive

Greg Williams and Charles Fleming recently team-taught a weekend intensive in Dallas, Texas, as part of the Christian Leadership course offered by Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (ACCM). Seven men and women pastoral leaders participated (they are pictured below with Greg and Charles).

ACCM group

Various Christian leadership topics were addressed during the three-day intensive, including how to develop an operational style of leadership that is both team-based and pastor-led. This approach fits well with GCI’s modified-episcopal system of governance. Greg Williams elaborated:

In GCI we place a great deal of emphasis on prequalifying and then training our lead pastors. We then place on them a great deal of trust to lead their congregations. In that leadership role, we call on them to recruit, train and empower a team of able ministry leaders and then meet with that team regularly to discuss, pray and deeply consider the ministries that are involved in advancing the disciplemaking work of the congregation. We also expect our pastors to utilize their Advisory Council, which brings together a cross-section of members that help keep the pastoral leaders informed concerning the general mood and attitude of the congregation. We expect that our lead pastors will work closely with these leaders to establish, communicate and then execute a clear vision and mission for their congregation. As part of that work, the team will establish and then operate in accordance with an annual budget aligned with the agreed-upon vision and mission. Also, the team will work through the challenges it encounters, including conflict within the team. An effective lead pastor develops trust and credibility with the team, seeking consensus in discerning how the Spirit is leading the team forward. In the few cases where consensus cannot be achieved, the lead pastor is called upon to make the final decision.

Here are comments about the Christian Leadership intensive from some of the students:

Thanks to everyone involved in offering this class. It was an amazing three days of learning and building friendships. The class gave us the opportunity to not only learn leadership skills and applications, but also to see them in a perspective of how Christ leads us so we can in turn lead others. I came away with an excitement to serve. The friendships made in the close-knit environment of the intensive are wonderful. I look forward to other classes in the future.

It was awesome! We covered day-to-day practical things and items to dream towards for our congregations. It was interactive and open to any of our questions. The format was great—Greg and Charles were very accessible.

This was a great way to take an ACCM class. Every aspect was a learning opportunity. I came away with an increased knowledge of leadership and a love for others. The structure of the class and time outside the class gave me the blessing of getting to know everyone in the class. I came away blessed with new knowledge and new friends.

It was uplifting to be together in an intimate setting for three days with people who treasure God’s love and want to share that love with our church and future members that God will bring to us. To see the passionate dedication of Greg and Charles was truly inspiring. I believe this intensive class will spur us to grow into our future responsibilities as we transition into a more active pastoral role.

Established or emerging leaders interested in participating in an intensive course like the one described above are encouraged to let the GCI-USA CAD office know of their interest. We plan to offer more intensives like this in the future.