GCI Update
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Twin Cities gathering

This update is from Doug Johannsen, pastor of GCI congregations in St. Paul and Champlin, Minnesota.

Twin Cities Christy
Christy Merry

GCI’s four Twin Cities, Minnesota, area congregations (Edina, Bloomington, Champlin and St. Paul) gathered recently for a combined worship service, a meal and good conversation.

The sermon was given by Christy Merry from the St. Paul congregation. Christy has been involved in several church plants in various denominations and was asked to give a message reflecting on what the younger generation needs from the older generation. Though most of us would consider Christy in the younger generation (she’s in her late 30s), she says she feels more like the generation “in between.” She drew lessons from the stories of Moses and Jethro, and Ruth and Naomi, illustrating how they listened carefully to one another to arrive at mutually-satisfying courses of action. All of us (young, old and in-between) need that kind of heart—one that is open to listening deeply to others.

Twin Cities group
Left to right/top to bottom: Carolyn Lane and Carey Arnold (Champlin) provide worship music; Pastor Charles Holladay (Bloomington) serves communion; the group meal; Pastor Don Ratliff (Edina) leads a debrief in which the group expressed a desire for more combined services in the future.