The April issue of GCI Equipper addresses how churches can join Jesus in responding to the refugee crisis and in ministering to children. Here are summaries of each article (click the title to read it online):

The refugee crisis: How can we respond?
– by Greg Williams
In 2014, nearly 60 million people were displaced from their homes and native countries by war… This global refugee crisis must not be ignored. But how can GCI congregations respond?
Nova’s story – by Nova Musafiri
I left my country in April 1993 because of security issues: students were arrested, beaten to death and tortured because of a dictatorial regime, which reigned for over 30 years. I did not have a choice, but had to escape in order to save my life.
Welcome home to Ottawa – by Fraser Henderson
For the refugees, despite the blistering cold and stark landscapes, there is one thing they can say about this new location they haven’t been able to say for years and sometimes even decades: they are home.
Helping a refugee family in Los Angeles – by Janet Morrison
The first time I saw them was at LAX—seven Congolese refugees…coming to a new world, a new culture. Though they had heard many things about the U.S., they did not really know what they were getting into. Neither did I.
Kid’s Korner – by Susi Albrecht and Nancy Akers
Children’s Church can play an important role in the lives of our kids. It’s a place to bond, learn and grow, while discovering what God has to say through the Bible.