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Johnstons’ grandson born

Regional Pastor Ted Johnston and his wife Donna (who live in Foley, Alabama), were in San Francisco recently for the birth of their fourth grandchild, Bodi Hunter Patrick Johnston. Bodi is the son of Ted and Donna’s son Joe and his wife Carey, and brother of 23-month-old River. Bodi was born at 1:20am on July 11, weighing 9 lbs., 1 oz. All are doing well (the grandparents are ecstatic!).


4 thoughts on “Johnstons’ grandson born”

  1. Congratulation Opa and Oma! Blessings on the entire family, baby included 🙂

  2. May God’s Gift of your fourth grandchild (Bodi) born to Joe and Carey bring you and them many years of happiness as he grows to manhood with the love of the Johnston family!!!!

  3. Aren’t grandkids GRAND? What a blessing for a further family expansion in such a cute direction. Congrats and enjoy, even from a distance. God is good. Love JR & Hazel

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