The following report is from Lee Berger who leads GenMin’s Crossing Borders mission organization.

Crossing Borders missions conducted its 21st trip to Mexico on June 11-19, 2016. Like all our trips, it was a unique blend of people and events. As missionaries to Mexico, we love seeing our dear, long-time Mexican ministry partners and meeting many new people. It’s all about relationship—with God and our fellow human beings. This trip focused on the theme Incarnation, noting that the incarnate Son of God has perfectly revealed God’s nature of pure love to us and our goal as missionaries is to participate with Jesus as he expresses God’s love to the Mexican people.

We had a busy week! We preached, sang and danced at “Church in the Park”—a church for the homeless and discarded street people (see picture, above right). We visited three children’s homes and a senior citizen home (a visit hosted by the Mexican mayor’s wife). We played, did crafts, sang, listened and were just “there” with the kids and elderly. We also conducted Vacation Bible School programs on four days, with in-home groups of 12 and church groups of up to 65 children (see picture below). We were served “real” Mexican food several days by our hosts, and we reciprocated by providing a lasagna meal for them.

We spent several hours at a city park with our “adopted family”—mom, dad and three kids that we built a house for a few years ago. We reconnect with them on each trip—it is a joy to watch the kids grow up. We had a Fiesta Day at a children’s home, with all kinds of booths and activities, including letting a tarantula spider we found crawl around on our arms.

The overnight camp facility Crossing Borders uses also provides a transitional rest-stop to full-time American missionaries coming and going out of Mexico. Several of these missionaries shared their inspiring stories with our group, and there were tears, joy and thankfulness to God for his wonders in each story. A local businessman who we have worked with on most of our trips told how one of his employees embezzled $1 million dollars from him, and he and his wife are asking God to lead them to forgiveness and restoration.
One of our ministry partners is building a new, large church building—one piece at a time as finances become available. Because of generous donations to Crossing Borders from individuals and churches in the U.S., we were able to provide funds to pour one-third of the concrete floor slab, and we built new benches for a children’s home. We were also able to purchase paint for the exterior of a pastor’s house and for the exterior of a church.

Our next Mexico trip is on December 9-12, 2016. We’d love to have you with us! Or you or your church can donate shoebox gifts for the children and infants. For information, go to or call me (Lee Berger) at 903-746-4463.
What a blast it was! Thanks, Lee, and everyone, for making my and Helen’s first trip so rewarding (tiring but rewarding!)