Thanks for your prayers for GCI-USA Regional Pastor Paul David (PD) Kurts. As noted last week, he became seriously ill due to complications following an appendectomy. It took two additional surgeries and continued hospitalization to resolve those complications, but we’re happy to report that he is doing much better, now convalescing at home.
Here is a note we received today (7/27) from PD:
I’m now home from the hospital after 23 nights in the hospital, 22 pounds lost, three surgeries, six CT scans and countless stomach and chest X-rays. This has been one of the most difficult trials of my life. On several occasions I didn’t know whether or not I’d make it out of the hospital alive, but through it all Father, Son and Spirit have reminded me that his grace is sufficient in all things and at all times. I’ve also gained a new and profound appreciation for those who endure serious illness and long hospital stays. I must say I never really knew. Your phone calls, cards, texts, emails and visits have meant so much. Though I’m not on Facebook, my wife Emma Lee has shared your posts with me, and those have been extremely encouraging also. You’ve reminded me once again why I love our church so much. As the song we used to sing goes, “We are family,” and when one member suffers we all suffer. I ask for your continued prayers through my recovery phase. It will be a long haul, but by his grace I’ll get there.
Please pray for PD’s rapid return to full strength. Concerning his wife Emma Lee and their two sons, PD’s father (retired GCI pastor Paul Kurts) recently wrote this in a Facebook post:
Now Emma gets to fatten that boy back up… She has been such a loyal trooper in this but she is exhausted as you can imagine. Please pray for her and their two boys. All I can say is “Thank you Jesus and all praise, glory and honor go to you our dear Brother and Savior.”
Cards may be sent to:
Paul David and Emma Lee Kurts
6063 Rocky Mount Road
Granite Falls, NC 28630-8311
PD, Emma and boys, continuing to pray for you — “we’re family!” indeed!!! With love and blessings from the Jutsum family (all 10 of us under one roof for another week!)
So glad you are home and on the mend! Praise God!
Ray and Carol Meyer
My good friend, Paul David… Connie and I were delighted to hear this great news of your good progress and now continuing recovery at home. We love you, brother, and will be praying for you, Emma and the boys. Thank God for His mercy!
Love, Larry and Connie Wooldridge
Dear PD,
Great news that you are doing better. We have been praying for you and will continue to do so here in Florida. I pray that you will be blessed by this word from Peter that has been helpful for me in times of prolonged illness: “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” (1 Peter 5:10). Grace and peace. –Larry
So very happy to hear the good report. We have been praying fervently for you throughout this trial and will continue to do so. Also will continue to pray for the entire family. All the best my brother!
Our church has been praying for you and your illness. May God may with you as you recover. I must be a real blessing to finally be at home!
Praise GOD, HIS grace is indeed sufficient. HIS promises are sure. May HE continue to bless and keep you all in HIS care. Heb 12:2
Praising God you are back home and recovering. Mom and I will keep the Kurts family in our prayers for the strength the Holy Spirit provides.
We have been praying for you, entrusting you to our Great Intercessor. We are thankful to God for his grace to you and for your recovery. We’ll continue as you gain strength and reach full recovery, soon we hope. We’ll also keep Emma and the boys in our thoughts and prayers as they recover as well!
Great news!
As PD mentioned, when we dig around our trials we often find hidden treasures of great value.
God for us, in us and through us.
So glad to hear good news for you PD. We have all been praying for you and I have been praying extra hard for Emma as I know how hard it is to watch the love of your life suffer. We will continue praying for you and Emma and the boys. I am really glad that God said yes to all the prayers as I know full well sometimes He says no.
Pam R
Glad to hear you are feeling better. We continue to pray for you and your family. Thank you for your service to the body of Christ.
So glad to hear that you are recovering. Although my wife and I do not know you, we are thanking God for your recovery! Thank you also for your book, TRINITARIAN LETTERS. I have just received it and began reading it. What God news is in Jesus! Thanks again for taking the time to share this best news!
Eric and Edna
So glad you are on the way to recovery, God bless and uphold you and your family. Love from the Edinburgh church