In this report, Caleb Makhela, a pastor in GCI-South Africa, tells about his recent visit to GCI congregations in the African nation of Mozambique.
I had flu for three days because of inhaling dust in some of the churches we visited, but now the worst is over. We have mainly been in areas without telephone since Monday, and yesterday we were able to get to Maromeu, a place that has been eluding us all this time because of inclement weather. What excitement and what jubilation when we arrived! It didn’t matter to our members there that we arrived almost at 10 pm! This morning we had a very lively, almost two-hour long service at which many people expressed their joy in finally being visited by somebody from South Africa.
Our visits to the congregations were planned to arrive in the afternoon or evening. We then have a brief service of thanksgiving followed by dinner and go to bed while the locals continue singing (often until 2 or 3 am in the morning!). When we arise in the morning, we hold a service for the women. Mrs. Mariano speaks on the role of husbands and wives and I speak about the whole family, including children, dwelling mainly on Ephesians 5 and 6, and 1 Peter 3. I can tell these teachings speak to the congregations by their expressions of joy.