GCI’s affiliate ministry, Odyssey in Christ, recently hosted an Experiencing the Trinity retreat in Titusville, Florida. Participants came from the U.S., Nassau and St. Lucia. Led by Larry Hinkle, Charles and Carmen Fleming, Gracie Johnson and Carolyn Lane, the retreat was designed to help participants gain a deeper understanding of God in his Trinitarian person and a deeper personal relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Here are comments from participants:
It gave us a wonderful step away from the distractions and noises of our stressful lives to consider our perspective about our faith journey. We were able to prize the value of silence, solitude, and privacy, and reflect how our understanding and response to our Triune God can be radically improved when we quietly and patiently listen to his voice as he works in us, and with us each day. Like most of us, I have formed distorted views and perspectives over my years of faith and ministry that, in the context of my spiritual temperament, certainly affect my thinking. But the retreat refocused my understanding of my personal relationship with God. I sincerely appreciate how the Father’s unconditional and unfailing love, Jesus’ total obedience and sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit’s constant comfort and leading illustrate the profound love God has for each of us during our earthly walk. —Dwight Dean
I believed that the retreat would just be helping me to decipher Scripture. Boy was I surprised! It is a very personal experience between God and myself that helped create a safe place to let go of stuff and create more space for God. It was the most thought-provoking, spiritual fulfilling, and emotionally stabilizing experience of my life. —Stephanie Hall
It was a special blessing to attend this beautiful, moving retreat, learning how to move from just knowing about our Great Triune God, to really knowing him. For over 40 years I have been reading and studying God’s Word. Today, it’s my passion! So much of what I experienced with my brothers and sisters during the retreat has brought me to knowing my Lord in deeper and new ways. It became obvious that he was gently moving me out of my comfort zone, inviting me not only to see him more clearly, but to follow him more nearly. I am grateful to the leaders for making it such a great spiritual journey for me. —Bobbie Tonucci
Wonderful!!! Thanks be to our Eternally Loving & Triune God.