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Liberia update

This update on ministry activity in Liberia is from GCI Mission Developer Kalengule Kaoma.

robert-browne-iiI returned recently from Monrovia, Liberia, where I officiated at the funeral of GCI Liberia National Director, Robert T. Browne II (pictured at right).

The funeral service was held in GCI Liberia’s main church hall in Gardnersville, Monrovia. The hundreds of mourners included friends, relatives, pastors from neighboring churches, Christians from various churches, and community and political leaders. Robert touched many lives. He will be missed.


On Sunday October 30, I met with church leaders and their families (pictured below) from our four GCI congregations in Monrovia. The meeting looked at the future of GCI in Liberia. These leaders are eager and willing to continue working with GCI. After prayer and examining a few scriptures about leadership transitions, we sought God’s guidance by asking the leaders whether Pastor Robert had left anyone in position to continue in his leadership role. Robert’s widow, Deddeh O. Browne, had been designated to succeed her husband and the leaders were happy with this transitional assignment for “Mother” Browne, as they call her.


20161101_132951Bishop Davies, one of the leaders who worked with Bishop Browne, attended part of the meeting and commended the GCI Liberia leadership team for accepting Mrs. Browne (pictured at right) as the successor to GCI Liberia national leadership.

I plan to return to Liberia in the first quarter of 2017 to affirm Mrs. Browne’s leadership, and to continue working with the leadership team there. The pastors there are young and inexperienced, though they have lots of zeal and energy and are willing to work. Please pray for them all.

Here is a hand-written thankyou note to me from the Liberian leaders:



One thought on “Liberia update”

  1. May GOD continue to be with you and give you guidance, wisdom and strength from the HOLY SPIRIT. Love to all our sisters and brothers there.

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