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Commitments on a journey of renewal

The January 2017 issue of Equipper focuses on the mutual commitments vital to our ongoing journey of renewal. Below are links to the five articles in this new issue. One of them introduces a new Equipper feature that provides multiple sermons synced with the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).

Cast Your Nets on the Right Side by Greg Olsen (used with artist’s permission)

From Greg: Mutual commitments in 2017
Greg Williams discusses some of the key mutual commitments the Spirit leads us to make as we continue on a journey of renewal.

Commitment to prayer
Michelle Fleming discusses the importance of being committed to prayer and offers a “best practice” called one-word prayer.

Commitment to high support – high challenge
Rick Shallenberger discusses the importance of committing to providing one another with high levels of support and challenge.

Commitment to preaching the RCL
This month we begin a new feature to live out our commitment to helping pastors and others utilize the RCL in their preaching and worship leading.

Kid’s Korner: Commitment to discipling our children
We provide a free curriculum from GCI to assist congregations in living out their commitment to discipling children.

One thought on “Commitments on a journey of renewal”

  1. Thanks much for the helpful resources links. I do also appreciate the expressed CAD (USA) commitments. May the Lord continue to lead our denominational renewal process as we aspire to become better and more faithful servants in Christ.

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