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Mat Morgan’s father

Richard Morgan, father of GCI Treasurer Mat Morgan, and husband of Edythe Morgan, is in the hospital with what doctors say is terminal cancer. Your prayers for comfort and healing are appreciated.

Back row: Mat (second from left) and his brothers. Second row: Mat’s parents.

Cards can be sent to:

Edythe Morgan
1203 East Mountain View Avenue
Glendora, CA 91741

17 thoughts on “Mat Morgan’s father”

  1. Dear Mat,

    We are very sorry to hear about your father’s condition. Be assured that the entire family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Although we know that in the course of our natural lives our physical bodies will decay it is always painful to see our loved ones suffer during that process. Our hope is anchored in the reality of the resurrection. Death and decay have been conquered in and through Jesus and your father along with the rest of us will through grace completely experience that ultimate victory in the fullness of the kingdom.

    The peace of our Lord be with all of you.

    In Him,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Mat, Mark, Tim and Tom…sorry to hear about your dad’s illness. As you know, your dad and mom were great influences on my wife and I in the Rapid City church area many years ago. Will never forget that your dad loaned me a pair of flight pants to keep me from freezing as I foolishly rode my motorcycle about 70 miles to get home while it was sleeting and raining. Greet them for us and let them know we love them.

    Doug & Betty

  3. Dear Mat,

    My wife and me are sorry to read about your father serious health condition. We are praying for him asking God to heal him and confort him at this difficult time. And we pray for the all family that our loving Father and Lord might grant you all the faith and the patience and the couragement and comfort need it at this time of trial. We know by personal and family experience we have a merciful and all Powerful Father that intervenes in our lives according to His perfect, wise and sovereign will.

    Our Love in Jesus and prayers are with you and your family at this time,

    Pedro & Brigida

  4. Matt, I’m sorry to hear about your father, it is never easy to see someone we love suffer. We will continue to pray for you and your family; that the God of Comfort will comfort and encourage you at this time in your life.

  5. Dear Matt and family: Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers as you journey through this difficult time. We pray for peace, comfort and healing for your father and our love goes especially to your mother to comfort her.
    Thank you Matt. for always being a special part of our family.

    With love ….. Barry and Wendy

  6. Matt, Sandy and I are sorry to hear about your dad, you are all in our prayers. We love you all!

    Peace be with you all!

    Tom and Sandy

  7. Mat, Tim, Tom and Mark, your dad and mom were such a blessing to Linda and I years ago. I remember working with Dick hauling cattle. He was an inspiration to be around. We’ll be praying for you and especially Edythe. Give them our love.

    Charles & Linda

  8. Dear Mat and Pam and family:
    So sorry to hear of your dear father’s condition… please know our prayers are going up to our loving God, for peace and comfort and the healing touch of the Bam in Gilead at this difficult time…
    With love and blessings,
    Ross and Tammy (Jutsum)

  9. Dear Morgan Family,

    Sooo sorry to learned about your dad Praying for your dad and you all. Don’t know what to say, giving you all hugs and loving embrace from our Lord, our Healer

    Saddie and Angie

  10. Mat and family, a father and grandfather is a very special person. We pray for God’s peace and grace be known and felt by all the family in these trying days.

  11. Matt and family, Jodie,myself and our Saginaw and Flint congregations send our love to all of you. deeply sorry to hear this news. You are in our prayers. Love and hugs in Christ. Brad

  12. We are so sorry to hear about your Dads’ illness. Want to let you know you are in thought and prayer.
    In Christ
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  13. Dear Mat and Pam,
    So sorry to hear this sad news. May God’s love and comfort be with you and your entire family in this difficult time. My prayers are with you and your family.
    Larry Dietrich

  14. Dear Mat and Pam our beloved in Christ
    We are deeply saddened in reading this news of your father’s health condition.
    We send this note to assure you that the Morgan family is in our hearts and prayers.
    Joseph & Georgette

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