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December Equipper

The December “GCI Equipper” looks back at our journey of renewal in 2017. Here are links to the articles and sermons in that issue:

From Greg: A look back at 2017
Greg Williams takes a look back at our journey with Jesus as seen in the issues of Equipper published this year.

Wholehearted, part 1: Finding Fellowship in Jesus
Cathy Deddo presents part 1 of a 2-part essay addressing the nature of the Christian life.

Kid’s Korner: Focus on the child
Lance McKinnon shares an encouraging message about the love the Father has for the kids we minister to as parents and youth ministers.

RCL sermons for January, 2018
Here are the Revised Common Lectionary-synced sermons for January:
Sermon for January 7
Sermon for January 14
Sermon for January 21
Sermon for January 28

In case you missed the sermons for December, here they are:
Sermon for December 3 (Advent 1)
Sermon for December 10 (Advent 2)
Sermon for December 17 (Advent 3)
Sermon for December 24 (Advent 4)
Sermon for December 31