GCI-Canada National Director Gary Moore, who is retiring this coming summer, recently announced several other personnel changes in the Canadian office and pastorate. We appreciate your prayers about these transitions.
Gary and Wendy Moore Kathleen Horwood has been hired to serve as business manager for the GCI-Canada office when it moves to Saskatoon this spring.
- Pastor Eric Warren will retire in June 2018. Alvaro Palacio (pastor of our congregation on the eastern side of Toronto) will serve as senior pastor for Cornerstone Christian Fellowship (Toronto West), and will look for a part-time or perhaps full-time person to serve initially as associate pastor in the area, living near the Cornerstone building. This should allow the outreach ministries of the congregation to continue to flourish in that part of the city.
- Fitzroy Martin is being hired to pastor the London, Ontario, congregation and the small group in Sarnia, as Colin Lauchlan looks to retire by the end of 2018. Fitzroy has served as a deacon in the London, Ontario, congregation.
- Pastor Steve Posiak (who pastors the Okanagan, BC congregations) will take on the role of District Superintendent for Western Canada for GCI when Bill Hall assumes the role of GCI Canada President on August 31 when Gary Moore retires.
Dear Gary and Wendy,
We are thinking of you and the church in Canada and will be praying for a smooth transition. Don‘t forget…“mi casa, es su casa“.
Santiago and Elke
God’s richest blessings, Gary and Wendy, for a happy and prosperous retirement. No doubt you both will continue to serve the church locally in a more relaxed capacity. I have fond memories of my time in the Toronto West Church back in the late 60’s and early 70’s when Gary Antion was pastor. I had many chats with your dad in those days.
May God also bless all the transitioning that will take place across Canada in the months that lie ahead.