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ACCM courses at Home Office

This article was written by John McLean, Director of Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (ACCM).

“I’ve got it! I’ve finally got it!,” exclaimed an enthusiastic student on the first morning of the ACCM Jesus and the Gospels course taught at GCI’s Home Office over the weekend of October 20-21. “I’ve finally seen why it really is all about Jesus,” the delighted student went on. Along with the other students, she saw clearly why Jesus changes everything.

“I’ve got it!”

Over two days together we explored and mined the deep, inexhaustible revelation of Jesus contained in the Gospels. Not just revelation, but also the relationship he brings us into with the Father through the Spirit. We learned about the method and message of Jesus’ teaching, and how to read Scripture through the lens of Jesus.

In the Christian Leadership course (held concurrently), we explored the theological foundations of leadership through Jesus, and addressed the practical implications and applications of this for leading. As GCI President Greg Williams often says, pastor-led, team-based leadership is the model for ministry and pastoral leadership that we follow in GCI. The course ideally equips participants for living out this model, yielding more effective leading for ministry and mission, while developing healthier churches.

Although the two classes met separately, each day started with combined worship—knowing that both our learning and lives are offered in worship to the Triune God.

ACCM’s interactive learning style encourages transformation, not just information. The students enjoyed that learning style through the facilitation of quality teachers as they continued their learning and formation journeys as disciples of Jesus. They were encouraged and rewarded with deepening understanding and life-changing growth and development as we shared the deep things of God together.

“I find it very inspiring,” said one participant. Another said his experience was so great that he now believes “every member needs to be participating in ACCM.” Another participant wrote, “Thank you for having this course. It has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I feel it will help me become a pastor.” Another said, “I am richly blessed by this course. I know Jesus and love him even more.” A new pastor said, “I owe it to my congregation to do these ACCM courses.” Another participant wrote, “I believe our church’s use of ACCM worldwide is preparing us for growth, and definitely healthier churches.”

A huge thank you to all who attended and special thanks to Pam Morgan and all the others in the GCI Home Office who helped make the two days such a delight.

One thought on “ACCM courses at Home Office”

  1. Transformation, not just information—Amen!

    „ A theology which touches the mind, leaving the heart unaffected, is no true Christian theology”.

    Source: Alister E. McGrath, A Passion for Truth: The Intellectual Coherence of Evangelicalism, p.178 (IVP, 1996).

    Every blessing,

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