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Love In Action

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Romans 12:9

This section of scripture is called “Love in Action,” revealing that sincere love is not reflected merely in our words but in our interactions with one another. From this one verse, it seems like real love acts a lot like Jesus, thinking of others first and clinging to what is good. Looking at love through this lens, I see the conditional, pretend love that can far too easily manifest in my relationships – love that depends on how the other person treats me or my mood.

Real love, loving others like Jesus, isn’t always easy. It takes working through our natural response and choosing to respond with the other person in mind. Real love speaks the truth when it could be easier to say what the other person wants to hear. It can mean asking questions to get to the root of the other person’s perspective and motivations. The good news is that we do not manifest this love ourselves. We love, because God who is love, loved us first. Our capacity to love is much more than a natural response to a feeling. Our capacity is supernatural because we are children of God, and through the Spirit, God lives in us.

Father, Son, and Spirit, thank you for including me in your life and love. May your love overflow into all of my relationships, and help me to choose actions that reveal your love.



By Michelle Fleming
GCI Media Director

5 thoughts on “Love In Action”

  1. Real love is most magnificently expressed when „the recipient“ turns his/her back in rejection. I think of our Lord Jesus, hanging on the cross, exclaiming „Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing“ (Luke 23:34). It is wonderful to love those who love us. But, it is sublime to love those who may even hate us.

  2. Yes, Michelle, you are right on target with your subject! God is love, it is all about Him, it is all about loving like Jesus loves.

  3. Thank you for your perspective. I totally agree. As I shared with my Pastor Tracy Winborne some time ago, when I come across someone that I really get bad feelings from ( like my stepmom) I prayed for God to show me something about her that I could love. He answered that in a big way and I am so thankful.

    Mary Garbarino

  4. Thanks, Michelle. This passage and your commentary call us out and call us up to a deeper and very challenging way of living.

  5. Thanks Michelle, for reminding us to not only hear but follow the Love of God who is in us to both will and to do! PHIL 2:13

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