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LiLY Women’s Conference

Grace Communion Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio) hosted their 17th Annual LiLY Women’s Conference on April 24, 2021, via Zoom. Zoom has given us the opportunity to connect across the country and internationally. One hundred women registered to take part in the one day conference that highlighted the theme scripture “I Am Doing A New Thing” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Our first speaker was Dr. Kim Carter, who led a session titled “Pray, Pause, and Pivot,” reminding us to be specific in prayer, listen for the purpose in your pause and be prepared to be obedient and move. Session two, “Running in Flats,” was held by Joy Trachsel. We were asked and explored, “What is stopping you from saying yes to God?” The day was filled with praise, worship and communion. The MC for the day was Pastor Tamar Gray. Zoom rooms were used for a “Getting to Know You” session. If you would like to hear the speakers and the worship music please visit https://gccle.church/z.

Mark your calendars for the 18th Annual Women’s Conference, which will be held on Friday, April 22, 2022 through Sunday, April 24, 2022 and is scheduled to return to the Embassy Suites in Beachwood, Ohio. More information to come.

Rosa Hulse
Women’s Ministry Leader
Grace Communion Cleveland

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