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Prayers for India

The pandemic situation has turned grave for India. The second wave of Covid has come like an avalanche, with some reports mentioning a triple mutant strain, more infectious, more deadly. The health system is inundated, made worse with a severe medical oxygen shortage. Some hospitals are unable to handle the number of patients needing treatment and have been forced to close admissions. The number of people being infected has been over 300,000 per day over the past several days.

A big concern for me is Nelson Philips, our team leader in Hyderabad. His symptoms turned serious after testing Covid positive. He currently needs a sizable quantity of oxygen round the clock due to signs of significant lung infection. We are all longing to see a turnaround for him. Several more members are ill, but some of them are turning the corner towards recovery.

We also heard from Amiyo Bacher, who reported severe economic stress for some of our contacts in Bangladesh due to continuing lockdowns. We are hoping to provide some support for immediate food relief.

Danny Zachariah
Pastor, Hyderabad, India


4 thoughts on “Prayers for India”

  1. Dear Danny,

    We have been following these serious developments in India with grave concern and pray that Nelson Philips, Amiyo Bacher, and the entire nation will be spared from further destruction and sorrow as we continue to deal with the Covid-19 crisis.

    In Christ,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Praying for Nelson Philips and all of you in India and Bangladesh Danny Zachariah!
    Denise de Moei
    The Netherlands

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