GCI Update
Connecting Members & Friends of GCI
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2021 Celebrations

In 2021, we had many celebrations and successes that we are grateful for here at GCI Home Office. Here are a few of them:

  1. Faith Forward – We praise God for the community-building and disciple-making that has come about through a greater focus on the Faith Avenue this year. The connect groups that have formed as a result of our Faith Forward focus are actively building relationships and growing deeper in the Spirit together.
  2. Denominational Celebration – The time spent together virtually connecting with church members across the globe and spending intentional time to fellowship and share stores of Healthy Church through the Denominational Celebration was a huge praise report for us all.
  3. Healthy Church Challenges – This year we coordinated more contests and challenges than ever and were rewarded with the gift of many amazing submissions and responses from youth around the world. Connecting with GCI young members through our creative challenges has been a joy.
  4. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – We look forward to deeper understanding, reconciliation and place-sharing, and are grateful for the members of our Council of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion who graciously accepted a place in the council.
  5. Equipping New Leaders – This year many strides have been made toward equipping new leaders. From the new GCS Master of Divinity and Diplomas for Avenue Champions, to the shifting of board members, jobs created within our staff, and the whole process of planning and building MTCs, we praise God for those who have led the way and made space as well as those who have accepted the call to leadership and continue to pursue their calling.

How is your church celebrating the work of the father, son and spirit in 2021? Comment below so we can celebrate with you.