Brothers and Sisters,
Grace Communion Miramar (FL) celebrated Pastor Charles Taylor for his 30 years of devoted pastoral ministry over the weekend. What an accomplishment worthy of honor! That kind of longevity in pastoral ministry is due to the unflinching grace and faithfulness of our Triune God. As Charles would be the first to declare, all glory to God!
Charles, thank you for your devotion of love and service to God’s beloved children in your care. There is something praiseworthy for staying the course. We salute you and give thanks to our loving Father for you.
The congregation crafted this brief but beautiful video tribute to Charles and family: 30 Years of Ministry
Whatever you do, picture Christ in the person you are doing it for; it makes such a difference when you put your heart into it. Colossians 3:24 (The Mirror Bible)
Anthony Mullins
Regional Director – US Southeast
Congratulations Pastor Taylor!
Congratulations, Charles – it’s been a pleasure to work with you during this time.
Congratulations! Certainly a significant milestone. Last September I had my 25th pastoral ministry anniversary. Time sure flies.
Congratulations Charles! Thank you for your love and service to the Body of Christ!
Congrats, Charles and Keysha! Thirty years is a long time to be in ministry, but you’ve done it … and you’ve done well. Here’s wishing you both many more happy, joyful and successful years … and God’s richest blessings on your ministry.
Grateful to God for you, Pastor Charles! Thank you and your family for your faithfulness to the Lord and His church, and for running this divine marathon all these years.