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Prayers for Santiago Lange

Below is a prayer request for Santiago Lange, GCI pastor in Stuttgart, Germany.

A medical check-up has revealed that I have an advanced colon cancer. Unfortunately, the CAT scan showed that the cancer has also spread to the liver and lungs. At this time there will be no tumor removal operations. An access port for infusion has been placed via a surgical procedure. My next appointment is on May 2, at which time a treatment plan will hopefully be established.

Certain is that I will be facing a major uphill battle in the time to come. Please pray that my 24/7 pains will become less intense and, that according to God’s wisdom and grace, I will find healing. Also, please remember Elke, my wife. Trusting In Him,Santiago



Notes may be sent to:
Santiago Lange
Birkenweg 13
55490 Gemünden


20 thoughts on “Prayers for Santiago Lange”

  1. Santiago and Elke. We will be praying for you, for healing and lessening of pain and God’s guidance for the medical professionals. You have encouraged so many people in the church with your comments, posts and prayers. May we encourage you at this difficult time. Julia O’Dell, Amarillo, Texas

    1. So true, Julia!
      Santiago, you have been such an encouragement to so many. We on the Update staff fondly think of you as our #1 fan. If we awarded prizes for “most affirming feedback & comments,” you’d win first place! We love you across the miles and are holding you and Elke in our hearts and prayers.

  2. You and your wife are in our prayers! I too, have been blessed by your encouraging and insightful comments here on the Update. You are a Barnabas! We pray for God’s loving encouragement and strength for you.

  3. Love you Santiago. You’re a beautiful and wonderful human who has made this world a better place. My life is better because of you. You and Elke are in my prayers and my heart.

  4. I am praying now as I write this note. I pray for your healing and for strength. May the Lord bless you as you go through this difficult time.

  5. lieber Santiago du bist in meinen taeglichen beten seit heute mit dabei, Ich werde auch Ingrid die im Plegeheim ist auch sagen. mit Gottes Segen von Willi Mandel in Canada.

  6. lieber Santiago wir beten fuer dich und Elke , Mit Gottes segen vonWilli und Ingrid

  7. Dear GCI Family, I am deeply touched by the precious outpouring expressions of concern and love. Your kind comments, and the received postcards and emails, reflect the grace and the light of our Lord shining in and through you. Thanks so much for bringing me in your intercessions before the Father through Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Love and hugs, Santiago

  8. I am so sorry to hear this. We will surely be praying for you and your wife. May the grace and comfort of our Lord Jesus Christ be felt especially during this hard time.

  9. Dear Santiago – I pray for you and you I appriciated your dedicated love to god and what you brought into the German GCI domination. Romans 12, 12-15 If one of us is suffering , we all suffer. But I trust the allmighty God, that he in his grace heals you and may give you inside peace as only our Lord can share and give it to you. Be also encouraged Elke and God is on your side.

  10. Dear Mr Lange, you have the privileged calling of pastor, how many have you helped on the road to salvation? Now it is for us to call on God through prayers to help you. May God give you and your wife courage, strength and healing through these difficult times. Eddie from Australia.

  11. Santiago, we know that God is with you and in you and as He Wills is able to heal you now physically even as He has Spiritually in His Son! Made us New! 2 Cor 5:17

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