GCI Update
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Appreciation for Our Top Encouragers

One aspect of my role as editor of Update is to recruit people to contribute stories. I attempt to engage contributors from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages, and locations. Yet one of the common responses I receive is, “oh, I’m not a writer.”

It reminds of when someone says, “I’m not creative.” Perhaps they are thinking of a literal artist, like a painter. But here’s what I say to that. You are made in the image of a creative God, so yes, you are creative. Writing is telling a story, putting it into words. And you are made in the image of the greatest storyteller.

So yes, you are a writer because everyone has a story. Every congregation has a story.

I engage folks, requesting they write for Update. I assure them they will be equipped to tell their story because I can help by editing and refining the writing structure. I empower them by convincing them that they don’t have to be the pastor to tell the story, and their unique perspective is needed.

You, the reader, help with the final “E” in the 4 Es. When you leave a comment, affirming what the contributor has written, you are giving them much needed encouragement. We’re grateful.

Here’s a special mention for the members who left the most comments. Thank you for cheering us on!

      • Pastor Santiago Lange, Stuttgart, Germany
      • Bill Miller, Brighton, IL, US
      • Priscilla Krupp, Woodbine, GA, US

By Elizabeth Mullins, Publications Coordinator
Durham, NC, US

2 thoughts on “Appreciation for Our Top Encouragers”

  1. I am so thankful that the Lord has given me both the opportunity and the privilege to be part of the GCI family. And, I will continue to pray ardently for our fellowship and be as supportive as I can. I regret not being able to do more.

    “Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work.” — Vince Lombardi

    Together we are stronger !

  2. Encouragement in whatever form it takes is one fantastic way of building each other up and edifying the body(the church).

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