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100th Birthday Celebration

In December, Grace Communion Indianapolis hosted a celebration in honor of Mr. Abner Washington’s 100th birthday.

Mr. Washington is a much beloved, longtime GCI employee and pastor. He is held in very high esteem by members around the world.

The following is an excerpt from a video greeting sent to Mr. Washington from Rick Shallenberger, U.S. Regional Director

Happy birthday! I want to not only congratulate you but thank you for your many years of service to our denomination and to those that you have been entrusted to care for and love. You have done an amazing job.

One of my best memories of you was the 40th celebration of the Ghana church in Africa. You and Sharon were there primarily because they considered you a kind of father of the church there.

It was so amazing to watch the members there give you such honor and respect and to see their love for you. You were such an integral part of the congregation and the establishment of the congregation.

Your faith is well known. Your love for the brethren is well known. Your support for the congregation and for the denomination is well known. You are a friend to so many people; it is an honor to know you.

I pray God’s many, many blessings upon you. Thank you again for all you are, and for the fact that you have lived into the identity that God gave to you. God bless you.


One thought on “100th Birthday Celebration”

  1. A well deserved homage to a man whose life of service has impacted so many people throughout decades. I never got to know Mr. Washington personally, but his reputation as a servant of the Lord crossed international barriers. The Lord has given Mr. Washington a long and blessed productive life.

    Congratulations on your 100th birthday!

    In Jesus,
    Santiago Lange
    GCI Germany

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