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Meet Bermie Dizon

“I am always thrilled to witness the work of the Lord Jesus in our congregation. It’s refreshing and encouraging to see members of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities united in serving the community, expressing love for one another, and worshiping our great God.”

Check out this month’s GCI Profile. Get to know Bermie Dizon, a longtime pastor in Grace Communion Glendora, before his retirement this month. Click here or the image below to read his full profile—which just touches on his impact and legacy as an encouraging pastor and lifelong mentor.

One thought on “Meet Bermie Dizon”

  1. Bermie,
    Congratulations on your retirement! Well done, my brother. It‘s been a long time since our AC Pasadena days. You and Carmelita always were good examples to the student body. Now you are starting a new chapter in your ministry to the church and as a servant to the Lord Jesus. Whatever God has in store for you in the future, I know that it will be exciting!

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