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Death of Ruth Matthews

Ruth was a true Minnesotan girl. Born Ruth Marie Bauer in St. Paul on August 5, 1951, she grew up on a small farm southwest of Minneapolis and recounted stories of walking – and riding a horse – to school in the winter snows and helping her father on their small property by forking the hay on the hay cart in summer. She was the eldest of five, with four younger brothers. That meant helping her mother look after them – and as a result the brothers nicknamed her “management.”

Her parents, Fred and Ruby, were foundation members of the Minneapolis congregation of our fellowship and ultimately were ordained deacon and deaconess. In those days, regardless of how arduous the travel was, and how short the funds were, the annual festival was not to be missed, and in the early years, their nearest site was in Big Sandy, Texas, nearly 1000 miles away.

Ruth also attended the very first year of the Summer Educational Program (SEP) of the church in Orr, northern Minnesota – a pioneering experience to test your mettle. In 1969, she was accepted to Ambassador College in Pasadena, CA, and at the age of 18 saw the sea for the first time.

In the summer of 1972, she was accepted to the team of Ambassador students sent from Pasadena to work on an archeological excavation in Jerusalem at the temple mount site, in conjunction with student groups from the Texas and UK campuses of the college. This is where she met her future husband, Rod Matthews, from Australia, who was part of the contingent from the Bricket Wood campus in the UK.

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4 thoughts on “Death of Ruth Matthews”

  1. I became friends with Ruth in church when she visited from college. I admired her ease and genuineness around others. Her love for Jesus came from Jesus’ love for her, and she shared with all others. Nancy Jo Williams.

  2. Dear Rod and Family,
    We have been praying for you since we first found out about Ruth’s illness. The time is coming when we will all see our loved ones again in a glorified body that is incorruptible and immune to every disease. Great will be the reunification celebration! Ruth has stepped into eternity and is now with the Lord having left us a wonderful Christian example for us to follow. Well done, my sister!

  3. As a fellow Minnesotan and AC classmate, I fondly remember Ruth. Our sympathies to Rod and all the family.

    Ken & Cathy Emerson

  4. Knowing Ruth was, and continues to be, a blessing in my life. Times shared with her were joyful. Ruth was an encourager, great listener and wise in her counsel. Although I’m saddened by her death, I can’t help but smile when I think of Ruth. Praise God for our promise of reunion in eternity with Him!

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