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Leading from the Deepest Place

five people standing around a seated man, praying for their leader
Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

When I attend National Association of Evangelical (NAE) events, I get to sit next to denominational leaders, Christian organizational leaders, and presidents of Christian seminaries. There is a wealth of experience and knowledge in this esteemed group, and I am humbled and enriched to sit among them.

In a recent gathering, I sat next to Richard Stearns, former director of World Vision. World Vision started in the 1950s and has a long history of working around the world to help hurting communities lift themselves out of poverty. Richard, who has recently retired from his position at World Vision, is also a published author and highly respected among his peers. It was unexpected that we ended up at the same table and in conversation.

During our NAE gathering, we listened to a session entitled “Leading from the Deepest Place.” It was a prompt for us to think about what is most important to us in this stage of life and ministry. Another prompt was, “How do we decompress from the pressure of our jobs?” I found Richard’s answer humorous for both questions. He said that retirement was his new stage of life and his method of decompression. That rang true for many of the attendees.

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5 thoughts on “Leading from the Deepest Place”

  1. Richard’s response is simple and true. For me personally, I now have time for a more thoughtful walk with Jesus, and my family. Loving and being loved is the deepest place I have ever been. I love it!

  2. “ Christian leaders need ministering to as much as the staff they guide, the audiences they serve, and the causes they champion.” Amen.

  3. Greg, thank you for your thoughtful transparency and active humble participation in NAE. Your update and Jeff’s retreat article together are a testimonial to how GCI is moving forward in these challenging times addressing the heart, pain and anxiety in our society. Love, prayers and blessings

  4. Greg thanks for representing our denomination in the NAE event. Each group attending has a unique history, ours was for so long the only true church and we really did not know how Big the church is. Thankfully God has led us by His Spirit out of our isolation to be joined together with those of faith, humility and love we have all been given to share in Jesus, making us all One in Him!

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