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Black History Celebration

On February 24, the GCI Los Angeles congregation held its Black Heritage Celebration worship service, hosted by my wife, Gloria Brooks, and me.

As is the case every year, the theme was Jesus — he is the focal point of Black history and the reason we celebrate. We also integrated the RCL theme, “Trusting in God’s Faithfulness.”

After opening with worship singing and announcements, we offered a prayer of unity. This was followed by a song from our women’s praise team, a poem reading, and a special solo.

We provided two messages. In “There’s More to the Story,” Gloria explained that Black history is more than just the story of slaves being freed. It is also about God’s faithfulness and grace and deliverance for all people. My message, “The Abolitionists,” acknowledged the prominent Black people and white people who opposed slavery but emphasized that Jesus is the absolute abolitionist and liberator.

The service concluded with a worship offering, a final worship song and closing prayer. All of this was followed by great food and fellowship. Special thanks to Leonard and Celestine Olive for capturing the wonderful photos of the event. Overall, the joyful Spirit of God permeated our gathering, and we are so thankful to everyone who joined the celebration!

Steven Brooks, Pastor
Los Angeles, CA, US