GCI Update

President’s Video—The Righteousness of God

GCI President Greg Williams shares the story of Easter, discovering how Jesus empowers us to embody righteousness, mercy, and humility, ushering in a renewed sense of purpose and identity in Christ.

Program Transcript

Do Right, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God
GCI President Update | March 2024

Every year during Holy Week, my prayers for each of you are more frequent as we celebrate the pivotal events that lead up to Resurrection Sunday. I pray that the joy and hope of Easter burst forth into your life in new ways, this year.

During this season of Easter Preparation, I have been reflecting on Micah 6.
Micah 6:8 is one of the most quoted scriptures, “O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
What a rich and noble life to live under these imperatives “To do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” But how?
I resonate with the Apostle Paul – I know what is right and I desire to do what is right, but O Wretched Man that I am. I keep falling down. Who shall deliver me from this body of death?
To gain clarity for Paul’s question, and to see the greater depth of Micah’s messianic prophecy we need to go back and begin in Micah 6:6
As I read through the passage I will add some reflective thoughts.

What can we bring to the LORD?
(What will appease God? What will make us acceptable?)

Should we bring him burnt offerings?
Should we bow before God Most High
with offerings of yearling calves?
(Does the expense of what we bring count? It’s not turtle doves here, but offspring of cattle.)

7 Should we offer him thousands of rams and ten thousand rivers of olive oil?
(Does the volume or abundance of what we bring mean anything?)

Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for our sins?
(There’s no greater sacrifice than from our own flesh & blood. Is this what the Lord requires?)

8 No,
(It’s not the things that the people thought were important or impressive.)
O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah’s writing is messianic – a picture of what is to come through Christ. The long history of Israel and their sacrificial ceremonies was a mere shadow of what was to come. The “What” to come was in fact a “Who.” The who was Jesus; the only one who could take away the sins of the world and empower us to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.

Jesus is the answer to Paul’s question in Romans 7: 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Hallelujah!

I cannot simply choose righteousness and walk in it. Nor can you. In response to our fallen human state the Father sent his unique Son Jesus to fulfill what Paul recorded in 2 Corinthians 5:21

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, and because of him and his perfect sacrifice, you and I, and humanity can be called the righteousness of God.

This Easter may we all be reminded that because of righteous Jesus that we too are vicariously made to be the righteousness of God. And because Jesus is alive and dwelling in us, we are empowered to do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly with our triune God.

Sometime during this Easter season look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud “You are the righteousness of God” and then be sure to add “Because of Jesus.”

Let’s pray:
Father God, thank you for giving us your one and only Son.
Jesus, thank you for including us in your perfect love and making us righteous!
We praise you for your mercy, and may we extend it to others.
Thank you for walking with us, and especially as we walk through the remembering of passion week and that glorious Easter morning when you arose in glory and victory.
In the name of our righteous, merciful Savior Jesus, amen.

From Susan and me, we wish you a meaningful and life-giving Easter.

Devotional—Our Advocate

As mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and human beings, we can have the role of mediator, helper, and advocate. When someone comes to us with a concern, a difficult situation, a grief or hope, what is our go-to response? So often, my immediate response is to seek to find a solution, to help this person with their problem.

When I take on the role of advocate, mediator, and helper, I may be doing what God has gifted me for and bearing the image of the Spirit within me. But I may also be stepping into the role that the Holy Spirit is meant to play in that person’s life. In doing so, what if I short-circuit the opportunity for this person to have an encounter with our triune God?

It is significant that the Spirit quietly works in every moment, giving us life and breath and holding all things together so that we can live and move and have our being. But the Spirit inevitably points away from self to our Father and his Son Jesus Christ. The Spirit mediates, advocates, and helps constantly, being present to each of us and drawing us into union and communion with the Father and the Son.

What we can learn from the Spirit’s self-effacing way of being is true humility, service, and self-giving love. The next time someone comes to us with a concern, how can we set aside ourselves and our solutions, and point them to our Father and his Son in the Spirit? How might we let God be the one who provides a solution?

When the Advocate comes, whom I will send you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me, and you also will testify, because you have been with me from the beginning. John 15:26-27 NET

Father, Son, Spirit, so often we seek to be the solution to every problem when that is the role you were meant to play in our lives. Grant us the grace to point away from ourselves and towards you instead, for you are our mediator, helper, and Advocate, through Jesus our Lord. Amen.

By Linda Rex, GCI Elder
Nashville, TN, US


Family Day Carnival

In British Columbia, February 19 is a holiday called “Family Day.” It is a day that gives families the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones. GC Surrey decided to host a free “Family Day Carnival” for our community. Our volunteers spent many hours preparing games, distributing over 500 flyers in the neighborhood, and praying for success.

On carnival day, 22 volunteers dressed in bright yellow t-shirts welcomed over 100 guests to join the fun. We offered nine games, face painting, a colouring table, candy jar guessing, popcorn, drinks, and prizes for all the kids. Parents, kids, grandparents, and friends enjoyed the games and hung around to visit afterwards. It was an awesome experience for everyone involved—not only the participants but also for the volunteers who served and loved wholeheartedly in the name of Jesus!

By Job Ayuba, Love Avenue Champion & Associate Pastor
Surrey, B.C., Canada


GCI Buzz—Spiritual Formation

Want to deepen your understanding of Spiritual Formation?

In this month’s GCI Buzz, we define Spiritual Formation and show how it is comprised of various practices by which the Father, Son, and Spirit grow believers to become more and more like Christ. Spiritual Formation is an intentional process for developing people in their walk with Christ, which in turn helps in their ministry and development toward Healthy Church.

Click here or the image below to view the entire Buzz. #gcibuzz

Check out the printer-friendly PDF here.

Focus on Avenues

Last month, GC Steele Creek provided a presentation we called, “A Whole New World of Avenues.” The purpose was to increase understanding of the three Avenues. The event was a collaboration between our Avenue Champions — Michelle Fleming (Hope), Afrika Afeni Mills (Faith), and Stacey Meade (Love).

After our worship service, we shared a homemade soup and salad luncheon. Following lunch and an introduction by Pastor Dishon Mills, each Avenue champion spoke for 15 minutes, giving a summary of their Avenue. Then we divided into three groups for breakout sessions. Each Avenue had its own station, and groups rotated through, learning more about the Avenue with a hands-on activity.

Our fellowship is a newly formed merger between the Steele Creek church plant and the existing Charlotte congregation. We hoped this activity served as a review of the Avenues and to reinforce cohesion.

Stacey (left) with Afrika Mills

Stacey Meade, Love Avenue Champion
Steele Creek, NC, US

Black History Celebration

On February 24, the GCI Los Angeles congregation held its Black Heritage Celebration worship service, hosted by my wife, Gloria Brooks, and me.

As is the case every year, the theme was Jesus — he is the focal point of Black history and the reason we celebrate. We also integrated the RCL theme, “Trusting in God’s Faithfulness.”

After opening with worship singing and announcements, we offered a prayer of unity. This was followed by a song from our women’s praise team, a poem reading, and a special solo.

We provided two messages. In “There’s More to the Story,” Gloria explained that Black history is more than just the story of slaves being freed. It is also about God’s faithfulness and grace and deliverance for all people. My message, “The Abolitionists,” acknowledged the prominent Black people and white people who opposed slavery but emphasized that Jesus is the absolute abolitionist and liberator.

The service concluded with a worship offering, a final worship song and closing prayer. All of this was followed by great food and fellowship. Special thanks to Leonard and Celestine Olive for capturing the wonderful photos of the event. Overall, the joyful Spirit of God permeated our gathering, and we are so thankful to everyone who joined the celebration!

Steven Brooks, Pastor
Los Angeles, CA, US

Regional Gatherings in 2024

Registration is now open!

Please join us for a weekend of training, appreciation, and worship. Everyone is invited.

Visit our website here to register and for more information, including details about lodging.

Registration will close on May 19, 2024. No walk-in or onsite registration is available!

LiLY Women’s Conference

We would love to invite you to celebrate our 20th year reunion.


20th Annual LiLY Women’s Conference
April 26-28, 2024
Embassy Suites in Independence, Ohio (in person)


But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20 (NIV)

Registration Fee:
$75 / $85 – Take advantage of our early bird pricing of $75 and register by Friday, April 5, 2024. The registration fee covers the meeting facilities, speakers, conference bag filled with goodies, plus lunch and dinner on Saturday.

Registration for ages 13-17 is at a discounted rate of $50.

Online registration ends on April 14, 2024.

Hotel Reservation/Cost:

Embassy Suites, 5800 Rockside Woods Blvd. Independence, Ohio

Overnight hotel rate is $129 per night, per suite, 4-person room (total with tax is $303.15 ­­­­­­for both nights – breakfast & manager’s reception included).

Click here to make your reservation online.

Group Name: LiLY Women’s Conference

Group Code: LWC

Central Reservations Number: 1-866-344-7548

Deadline for hotel reservations at the special rate is Friday, April 5, 2024.

Register today online at gccle.church/lily

If not registering online: Mail your registration fee and make checks payable to:

Grace Communion Cleveland, 4499 Canterbury Road, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070

(Please include your name, address, phone number, emergency contact name & address, and if you are staying for Saturday night dinner)

If you have any questions, please email us at: LiLYwomensministry@gmail.com

Rosa Hulse
Women’s Ministry Leader
Grace Communion Cleveland

Like/Follow us on Facebook at LiLYWomensConference.