Last month, GC Steele Creek provided a presentation we called, “A Whole New World of Avenues.” The purpose was to increase understanding of the three Avenues. The event was a collaboration between our Avenue Champions — Michelle Fleming (Hope), Afrika Afeni Mills (Faith), and Stacey Meade (Love).
After our worship service, we shared a homemade soup and salad luncheon. Following lunch and an introduction by Pastor Dishon Mills, each Avenue champion spoke for 15 minutes, giving a summary of their Avenue. Then we divided into three groups for breakout sessions. Each Avenue had its own station, and groups rotated through, learning more about the Avenue with a hands-on activity.
Our fellowship is a newly formed merger between the Steele Creek church plant and the existing Charlotte congregation. We hoped this activity served as a review of the Avenues and to reinforce cohesion.

Stacey Meade, Love Avenue Champion
Steele Creek, NC, US