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Ordination of Chan Thleng

Congratulations to Chan Thleng! He was ordained an elder on August 11. Chan lives in the Yangon Region of Myanmar. He provides pastoral care for the three GCI congregations in Myanmar. Join us in praying for him and the ministry in his country.

His ordination was a joyous event, held during a leadership retreat, so leaders from across Asia joined the celebration. Shown from left to right in the photo above:
Joselito Olaguer–Thailand, Rex Dela Pena–Philippines, Sachin Nirale–India, Chan Thleng–Myanmar, Danny Zachariah–India, Won Mein Kong–Malaysia, Devaraj Ramoo–Malaysia, Eugene Guzon–Philippines, Joel Alisbo–Thailand, Praveen Chinta–India, Aron Tolentino–Philippines, Audie Santibanez–Philippines

Chan Thleng (left) with Danny Zachariah, Superintendent of Asia

We asked Chan to share some background with our readers.

I was born into Christian family. I accepted that Jesus is my Savior at the age of 18. I passed the matriculation examination in 2004. I earned my M.Div. in 2011. I married Lydia in 2017, and we have an infant son and two daughters.

Currently, I am serving as a senior pastor of GCI Myanmar. We have about 50 members in Hmawbi congregation. GCI also has a congregation in Matupi.

GCI was officially founded in Myanmar solely by faith alone in 2016 September 1. Right now, there are about 170 members total in different places in Myanmar. The vision that God has given us is to reach unreached people through planting new churches in eight ethnic groups in Myanmar.
In Christ’s service
Chan with his wife


3 thoughts on “Ordination of Chan Thleng”

  1. Nancy and I thank God for you and Lydia. You are following Jesus in serving his people. They are blessed to have a pastor who is teaching them to live and share Jesus’ gospel. We are joyful to learn of your ordination.

  2. Congratulations Chang on your ordination as a GCI elder! I imagine that mission work in Myanmar is a particularly challenging task. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord gift you with whatever might be necessary to accomplish your high calling as his kingdom ambassador.

  3. Truly inspiring to hear this ordination. I am so thrilled to know we have churches in Myanmar!.. with a total of 170 members. That’s so amazing. Congratulations! Chan. You stay in our prayers.

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