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US Regional Gatherings

Dear church (and especially those who attended our Regional Gatherings),

Superintendent Mike Rasmussen and his team did a great job in designing the content of our regional gatherings. And they did an even better job in delivering their messages. The team’s level of transparency was moving, and their commitment to serving the congregations going forward is commendable.

I remind you of a request I made to the church back in the early spring to set aside a day for prayer and fasting if you were physically able. I must say that we felt the covering of those prayers, and the Spirit has been faithful to provide unity and peace. Thank you for your faithfulness and enthusiastic participation.

Now on to Mike’s letter,
Greg Williams

West Gathering

A big thank you to everyone who attended and helped coordinate our three U.S. Regional Gatherings this summer! It was so good to get together to worship, share meals, have sharing and training time, as well as much-needed fellowship. One of the major changes this time around was to host these events in our own GCI church buildings instead of hotel ballrooms. This was the brilliant idea of Pam Morgan – thank you, Pam!

In June, Pastor Julie Frantz and her congregation hosted our first Gathering in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our Eastern, Southeast, North Central Regions and guests gathered for this event. My congregation and I hosted our second Gathering in July in our church and Ministry Training Center (MTC) in Surrey Hills, Oklahoma. This was for our Central Region and guests. Pastor Manuel Ochoa and his congregation hosted our final Gathering in August in Hawthorne, California for our Western Region and guests.

East Gathering

We followed the same schedule for all three Gatherings. Friday was the kickoff, with Dr. Jeff Broadnax teaching the Third Option Similarity Training, by Miles McPherson. It was an exciting time of learning how we are more similar than different and how to honor one another as God’s beloved children. The lessons provoked healthy and important discussions. Repeatedly, I heard comments like “I was a bit nervous – but I am so glad I came!” and “We need more of this type of training!”

Saturday, we gave updates on where we are going as a denomination in 2025. We addressed the following questions.

      • What is changing?
      • What is staying the same?
      • What is new?
Central Gathering
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