Two full-time positions are now open at the Grace Communion International (GCI) Home Office in Charlotte, NC, U.S.
The Media Coordinator position is currently available, and applications are being accepted. See the job description here.
The Assistant Operations Coordinator position is currently available, and applications are being accepted. See the job description here.
If you would like further details on either position or would like a GCI job application, please contact Human Resources at or 980-495-3960.
Please share this announcement with qualified candidates who may be gifted for either position at the Home Office.
Overnight hotel rate: $132 per night, per suite, 4-person room (Total with tax is $310.20 for both nights. Breakfast and manager’s reception is included for hotel guests only.)
Group Name: LiLY Women’s Conference Group Code: LW5 Central Reservations Number: 1-866-344-7548 Deadline for hotel reservations at the special rate is Friday, April 4, 2025. Register today online at
If not registering online, mail your registration fee with checks payable to: Grace Communion Cleveland 4499 Canterbury Road North Olmsted, Ohio 44070
(Please include your name, address, phone number, emergency contact name and address, and if you are staying for Saturday night dinner)
Citizens of the kingdom live missionally because we are made in the image of and follow a missional God. Learn more about how a missional posture fosters discipleship and formation in this Church Hack.
Citizens of the Kingdom are servants, made in the image of our God who serves and lays down His life for the world.
Satkhira, Bangladesh
Early this month, the leaders in Satkhira gathered for evaluations and to plan for 2025. Healthy leaders are servants who seek feedback and are intentional to prepare for the future.
Rayong, Thailand
Last month, GCI Rayong made a heartwarming visit to a neighborhood school as part of their engagement efforts. This initiative highlighted our commitment to spreading love, kindness, and support to local communities. Rayong Panyanukul School is an exceptional boarding institution dedicated to providing education and care for students with special needs, specifically those with Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and learning disabilities.
Our team organized an engaging program for the 30 students that included a short message emphasizing God’s love revealed in the birth of Jesus. The children also enjoyed singing, dancing, playing games, and receiving gifts. Then our team successfully served lunch to the residents of the five dormitories, approximately 260 students. We showed the students warmth and love through the shared meal and heartfelt conversations, offering not just material support but also spiritual nourishment.
Afterwards we celebrated the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord. The program was not just a success in terms of service but also in deepening the faith of those involved. We look forward to continuing Jesus’ mission by spreading more joy and hope in the future.
Mindoro, Philippines
GC Bansud and GC Naujan are partnering with other Filipino GCI congregations expressing the kingdom lifestyle of serving. Bansud and Naujan are on the Island of Mindoro. Many people on the island are “Mangyans,” the term used collectively for eight tribes in the province.
The members on the island have limited resources. But it is a beautiful sight to see them pool their resources (time, talents, finances) with others to serve their community, collectively joining Jesus in expressing His love in action and words. In December, they celebrated seven baptisms.
Their new hall was made possible through collective generosity. This hall is God’s answer to years of prayer for a place of worship, a place of training, and a shelter during strong typhoons. This hall is in the heart of their neighbourhood and can accommodate about 80 Mangyans. At a recent three-day event, members donated gifts to 75 families, served about 500 meals, and hosted a friendship basketball game for the community.
One inspiring example of service is Mindoro’s leadership. Until his retirement last month, Pastor Bernardo Cuizon, at 90 years of age, was the oldest bi-vocational pastor in the country. He and his wife, Marina, continue to inspire, teach, and model the life of servanthood and Christian love.
Commissioning of Gemma Venus
After the retirement of Pastor Bernardo, his daughter, Gemma Cuizon Venus, was commissioned as the new pastoral team leader. She also pastors GC Binan, and while serving there, she has been traveling to Mindoro to lend a hand in sustaining their ministry for many years.
The sacrifice and steadfast service of Pastors Bernado and Gemma are a testimony of how the Spirit empowers the citizens of God’s kingdom to reflect Jesus’ mission.
When we talk about the kingdom of God, we, of course, understand that we are speaking of the kingdom Jesus established in His earthly ministry. His kingdom is real, and it will have no end. It is already here, and we may participate in it right here and now in this life.
So, who is this King of the kingdom of God in which we can participate now? In short, Jesus is the eternal Son of the Father who became flesh. He became in sum all that we are as humans. The union of God and humanity, in the Person of Jesus Christ, has forever accomplished the dream of the Father — to have us in union with Himself. Jesus is the One who has made this a reality.
In His becoming human, Jesus inaugurated the kingdom of heaven on earth with us as its citizens. The beloved disciple tells us that God is love. This is a statement about the character and nature of God. The King of our kingdom is, in His very being, pure and perfect love. Every thought, every act, every dream of God is born out of love. Even God’s anger is because of love.
God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4:16b NRSVUE
The Father, Son, and Spirit will never oppose you but will always stand in resolute opposition to all that is within us that opposes God’s love for us. This is who our King is — our King is Love. Perhaps in your prayer journal, make a list of all that you think pure love does. Then make a list of all that pure love does not do. In your daily walk with Jesus, hear Him calling you to do the things on the first list.
Prayer: Father, Son, and Spirit, tutor me in the ways of love. Amen
I recently shared that our GCI theme for 2025 is Kingdom Culture. I hope this captures your imagination and stirs your spirit.
Growing into a Kingdom Culture begins with Kingdom Living. Kingdom Living originates in the King himself, King Jesus. We are familiar with the slogan “Jesus is the center of the center.” Our annual worship calendar supports this with celebrations anchored in the Person and works of Jesus (vicarious works on behalf of all humanity). But who is this King and what do we know about Him?
In the letter to the Christ-followers in Colossae, Paul writes some of the most magnificent truths about the King.
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:15-20 NRSVA
The glory of the triune God is perfectly on display in the Person of Jesus. In Him, all things are held together. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being.
Jesus is Lord of creation and Lord of His church. As head of the Church, He is the source and nerve center — guiding and directing us “body members” as His hands and feet. There is no church without Jesus and no Kingdom Living without the presence of the King.
He is pre-eminent in the widest scope possible, supreme in all aspects and at every point. It reminds me of the great hymn, “Be Thou My Vision,” and the line, “be thou my best thought in the day and in the night.”
When our identities, our thoughts, our purposes are fully wrapped in Jesus, we then are active citizens of His Kingdom. We have a mindset focused on Jesus above anything or anyone else.
A small Kingdom story that was significant to me involves a young man named Will Chitwood. Will is Vice President of CapTrust, a financial management company that manages our corporate capital account. We recently went through a trial that threatened to carry a potentially large expense to the church. Will was on standby to negotiate the anticipated rough waters, and the good news is that the threat was negated. I sent Will an email message to share the outcome. Instead of simply replying electronically, Will gave me a phone call. He shared how he had been regularly praying for us, and he recounted a sermon he had recently heard about God’s deliverance for Joshua and Israel as they populated the Promised Land. Will said that he rejoiced with us over God’s deliverance, and we mutually shared that the nature of our relationship was more than business, rather we are joined together as Kingdom partners.
Our purpose is to make the King known and to help believers grow up in Jesus. How encouraging is it to have a financial manager who embraces this and comes alongside GCI in the shared journey? And even more exciting is to realize that King Jesus is present and guiding at all points, even the next breath you and I draw.
My recent CAT results are in, and the picture is far from rosy. The scan shows a clear advance of my illness, particularly in the liver and the lungs. My oncologist said he would tell his other patients, “It’s over.” He said in my case, he would not say so since until now, I’ve beaten all survival odds. I responded that it was not my own efforts that have been keeping me alive, but God.
Without delay, I began a new cycle of chemo treatment yesterday. The treatment has been adjusted to a “more aggressive” level. It is my 37th cycle.
I wish I could share better news with you, but we must recognize the situation as it is. Your prayers are an anchor of hope. Thanks for not giving up on me.
Together we are stronger! Santiago Lange, Elder Stuttgart, Germany