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Nuts and bolts of the Hope Avenue
By Linda Rex, Elder
Our journey in GCI towards Healthy Church includes a deeper understanding of our hope in Christ. Our Hope Avenue team ensures that our Sunday services provide a warm welcome, fellowship, worship, and inspired preaching, which refresh us with the hope of Jesus.
Markers of a healthy Hope Avenue
The Hope Avenue team prepares all aspects of the Sunday service, from parking lot to sanctuary to fellowship hall. The Hope Avenue team works together to welcome, include, and integrate into the life of the church, all those who attend. The fellowship and Sunday service enable each person to meet with, in a personal and united way, our triune God. Renewed with the hope of Jesus, those who attend are sent out with this good news. In this way, the Hope Avenue team shares with Jesus in His divine ministry by the Spirit.
Signs of unhealth
Members of a church with an unhealthy Hope Avenue might not notice new guests, or swarm new people at the door and scare them away. Worse, the pastor may bring attention to guests when they prefer not to be noticed. There is limited or no signage in an unhealthy Hope Avenue, and no one offers to help guests find the restroom, children’s room, snacks, or the sanctuary. Guests are often not told they are welcome to join in the pre-service fellowship or study group. Youth and teens are often ignored. Seniors are not always given the support they need as they move from the parking lot to the sanctuary and back.
An unhealthy Hope Avenue worship service is more focused on the content of the service, the speaker, or singers than on relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The service is disjointed and messy because little planning has been done. The music is often more focused on our human experience of God than on worshipping God. An unhealthy Hope Avenue sermon is often teaching a Bible Study rather than preaching about Jesus, who He is and who we are in Him. In an unhealthy Hope Avenue service, communion often focuses more on the items on the table than on the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
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