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Devotional – Peace Be With You

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27).

In what is commonly known as the “farewell discourse,” Jesus tells his followers what they should expect to transpire in the near future. But he tells them—as well as his followers in the 21st century, to not be discouraged, for he will give them Comforter, who will dwell with them (verses 16-17). The “peace” he mentions is a rendering of Shalom, which was used as a greeting and as a farewell. But more than a greeting it gives a sense of wholeness or completeness.

This Shalom/Peace was again mentioned by Jesus when he appeared to his disciples behind the locked doors after his crucifixion. He then breathed on them and they received the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-22).

Like those disciples, we are often confronted by stress, fear or simply overwhelmed by our day-to-day lives. That’s when we need to turn those moments over to the Holy Spirit, and live in this Shalom/Peace. It is that shalom/peace that wraps around us like a young child wrapped up tightly in her baby blanket when the night is cold or she is in need of comforting.

Prayer: Jesus and Spirit, help us to give our stresses and fears over to you. Surround us with your wholeness and may we feel your comfort to be able to weather the storms of life.


By Bill Hall, National Director – Canada

Celebrating the Life of Al Barr

Allan Wallace Barr was born May 21, 1944, in Dayton, Ohio to Wallace and Josie Barr. Al became a member of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) in 1963. He began his ministerial education at Ambassador College, Pasadena, California, graduating in 1970. Al met his future bride Edna Munson in 1965 in Big Sandy, TX. They were married in 1968. From this union five children were born; Joanna Elizabeth, Susanna Marie, Jonathan Allan, Leeanna Rosa, and Pamela Julianna.

Al’s first ministerial assignment was as Assistant Pastor of the St. Louis, Missouri congregation of WCG 1970-1976. The first church he served as Pastor was in Chicago, Illinois, from 1977-1984, moving then to Miami, Florida, serving as Pastor from 1984-1993. From 1993-1997 he served as pastor of the Atlanta, Georgia congregation. In 1997 Al was promoted to Regional Pastor, serving until 2006. In 2006 Al and Edna moved to New York City, where he served as Pastor to two churches in New York. He retired from pastoral ministry in 2011, when his health began to decline. He and Edna returned to Atlanta after he retired. Al returned to employment with Douglas County Public Schools as a substitute teacher in 2017 and worked with children at South Fulton Christian Center.

Al loved Jesus; he loved ministry, and he was especially passionate about youth ministry. He was an active member of the Atlanta church, serving in both the children’s and youth ministries. He was a man of deep faith, courage, strength, and determination; always willing to serve when called upon. His smile was never brighter than while watching his wife and daughters singing and praising God.

Al was preceded in death by his parents, one brother and one of his beloved daughters, Susanna Marie Barr. He leaves to cherish his memory his loving and devoted wife of 50 years, Mrs. Edna Barr, along with three daughters and one son, four grandchildren, a host of nieces, nephews, relatives, and friends and a GCI church family who loved him and will miss him dearly.

Pastor Allan Wallace Barr was a mentor to a number of current GCI pastors. His legacy of faithful service for the kingdom will have an eternal impact.

A private memorial service was held for Pastor Al Barr on Monday, March 25, 2019. Details regarding a celebration of life service will be made available after the plans are finalized.

Cards may be sent to:

Mrs. Edna Barr
782 Britt Road SW
Mableton, GA 30126

Honoring the Lives of Don & Sue Lawson

We regretfully pass on to you the death of Don Lawson. The following tribute was written by GCI National Director Mike Rasmussen.

Sue and Don Lawson
Sue and Don Lawson

It is with a heavy heart I write this tribute for one of the greatest couples I have ever known. On Friday, March 22, 2019 Don Lawson, longtime mentor, friend and servant of God, went home to be with our Lord and also with his late wife Sue. Don and Sue met, when Sue was only 15 and they have been married pretty much ever since and they rarely left one another’s side during those 60+ years.

Don and Sue had a love affair which lasted for more than six-decades and the past few years had been extremely difficult for both of them. It was always Don’s prayer he would live long enough to hold Sue’s hand when she passed and Don managed to hang on long enough to do that very thing. He was holding Sue’s hand when she died a little over a month ago on Tuesday, February 26, 2019.

Sue began to have various health issues, even though most of her internal organs were doing well. The challenge for Sue was the onset of dementia/Alzheimer’s. It got to the point where Don had no choice, but to put Sue in a nearby Memory Care facility, which about killed him. Don would go and see Sue faithfully, even though most of the time, Sue no longer remembered who he was. Don would still spend time each day talking with Sue and holding her hand, hoping for that moment when she would remember and give him that smile, he loved so much.

Don had major health challenges as well. He had a hip replacement surgery many years ago, but it never quite healed properly. He suffered from crippling arthritis and he also encountered liver problems, which required dialysis three times a week, each session lasting up to six-hours long. Don was also battling cancer throughout his body.

Don was born in 1936 in a small town in the Eastern part of Oklahoma. It was a tough time, as the Dust Bowl was just coming to an end as well as the Great Depression. Don played a major part in my being in Pastoral Ministry these past 21+ years and I am sure many others can say the same thing. He was a great mentor and served in congregations across the United States for more than 40-years.

Don and Sue were deeply loved by many and they both impacted many people lives. They will be greatly missed!


Sun Valley Blessing of the Children Service

As part of our missional rhythms in the love venue at Comunion De Gracia Sun Valley, we have semi-annual services dedicated to blessing the children. Our first service for 2019, was held Sunday, March 24. I had the privilege to pray over and anoint 56 children, including two that are still in their mother’s womb. Fourteen of these children were first- or second-time visitors in our church.

Over the first three months of the year, the children have been learning about the fruits of the Spirit. They presented a play reflecting what they had learned, and participated in special songs. In Comunion De Gracia, two of our declared values are missional living and children’s ministry. Through these services, not only do we open a missional space for our congregation, but I also get to pray over and bless the children from church and some from our community.

We believe that our children are not the future church, but rather the present church. By creating these spaces for them, we are expressing to them that they are loved and valued. After being blessed, all the children had an opportunity to enjoy a time of fun and games.

Devotional – Contentment

But godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6).

Contentment is gain! Really? To see how most of us live, it would be easy to think it is discontentment that brings great gain. It is the demanding shopper who seems to get special treatment. The talk show host who reminds us of all that is wrong with the world seems to get the highest ratings. The advertisements that imply we are “less than” if we do not buy their product seem to generate the most sales. Our economy seems to run on stimulating discontentment. And, the constant presence in our lives of people expressing their discontentment is contagious… it begins to infect us.

And then we read Paul’s counter-cultural advice.

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4: 11 – 13).

Jesus, we thank you for living a life in which you were contented to be without so we could gain much. Help us to be, like Paul, ready learners of the secret of living contentedly in an evil and corrupt world. Grant us that eternal perspective that always reminds us that a person’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions (Luke 12: 15).



By Charles Fleming – Orlando, Florida

Prayer Request for Al Barr

UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart, we pass on to you the death of Al Barr. He died on Thursday evening, March 21. We will post a celebration of life article in the next issue, once more details come in. Please pray for peace and comfort for Edna and the Barr family.

Prayers are requested for retired Pastor and District Superintendent Al Barr. Al was intubated and placed in an induced unconscious state last Monday, March 11. This was a good thing to help him stabilize and for the doctors to figure out what is going on. They have diagnosed him with a fungal infection that is aggressively attacking his nervous system. It is reversable but the doctors must act soon. Please pray for complete healing for Al and for rest and peace for Edna.

Cards may be sent to:

Al & Edna Barr
782 Britt Road SW
Mableton, GA 30126

Devotional – On Things Above

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 2:2-4)

It wasn’t until 1969 that human beings had ever seen a picture of the earth from space. Once our astronauts captured the image, and we saw the sparkling jewel we call home against the blackness of night, the wars, problems, and struggles on earth were able to be reframed from a heavenly perspective.

Sometimes we can have our eyes so fixed on the personal problems and challenges in our day-to-day existence that we begin to get discouraged and lose hope. But Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled by the cares of this life. Because he has reconciled all things to the Father in his body, we can “set our minds on things above,” and get a true picture of our lives and situations from a heavenly vantage point.

Father, open the eyes of our hearts to see our circumstances through the redemptive love of Jesus. May we embrace the beauty you have bestowed on us, and may we share the heavenly point of view with others.

Jeff Broadnax


By Jeff Broadnax – Columbus, Ohio

Prayer Request for Al Barr

Prayers are requested for retired Pastor and District Superintendent Al Barr. Al has been hospitalized since last Thursday, February 28th. The doctors have diagnosed dehydration. He is on IV fluids and is improving noticeably. Your prayers for Al and his wife, Edna, are much appreciated.


Cards may be sent to:

Al & Edna Barr
752 Britt Road SW
Mableton, GA 30126