Rex Morgan, a GCI pastor in New Zealand, grew up in Rotorua, Cambridge and Hamilton—towns south of Auckland, New Zealand.
Rex has been writing for many years. “At age 12 I began writing a weekly family newspaper. It was handwritten and distributed just to the five members of our family, but contained all the news of family happenings, along with pictures, competitions etc. Some issues were over 20 pages long. The newspaper continued for almost 300 issues, only stopping when I left for college in England.”
Rex was a teenager when his father responded to a Readers Digest advertisement offering WCG literature. “There was no church in New Zealand at that time, so we received material from the office in Sydney and listened to The World Tomorrow radio program. Although I was a young lad at the time, the church’s teachings immediately ‘clicked’ with me and I devoured the material.”
In 1969, Rex started attending Auckland University. “I began studying economics and accounting, but interrupted this to go to Ambassador College Bricket Wood, England in 1970. After graduating in 1974, I began working in the Auckland WCG office, and here I still am 40 years later!”
Rex has been married to Marilyn (Squire) for 12 years, the second marriage for both. “Our blended family comprises three sons and two daughters. All but one of our children are married. Another daughter, Cherie, died of cancer at age 30. We have five grandchildren.”
Rex’s first responsibilities in the Auckland office were in mailing. “Eventually I was asked to give sermonettes and gradually became more involved in visiting and speaking. I became pastor of the Whangarei church (two hours north of Auckland) in 1979, and the Auckland church in 2000. I also pastor the church in the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu.”
When asked what he enjoys most about being a pastor, Rex said, “Seeing people grow and develop spiritually as they yield to Jesus and participate in the work of the Spirit in their lives.” What he loves most about being part of GCI is, “The depth of fellowship enjoyed with fellow members who have walked together on our incredible journey. To me, the willingness of GCI leaders to follow God’s guidance through our unprecedented doctrinal changes regardless of the consequences has been an excellent example of godly faith and courage.”
Rex said his passion is “explaining the ways of God in speaking and writing.” He still does a lot of writing. “I edit and produce Inside Life, a magazine sponsored by GCI in New Zealand. We have distributed 20 issues since the magazine started in 2006. Church members deliver 7000 copies of each issue to mail boxes in areas surrounding our meeting places nationwide. The aim of the magazine is to show non-believers the relevance and importance of a relationship with God in today’s world. All of the back copies are available at www.insidelife.org.nz.”
When asked about his most memorable moments, Rex said there are several when ministering in a place like Vanuatu. “One time on a small plane, the landing was aborted because the pilot found a large coconut crab at his feet in the cockpit. He circled Port Vila (the Vanuatu capital) until the crab could be put in a container and then landed. The pilot brought the crab over to show us as we collected our luggage. Another special occasion involved participating in a ‘reconciliation ceremony’ in Vanuatu. The previous year, some people had prevented us from entering our own church building, claiming it was on their land. The next year, a delegation of people came, bringing mats and gifts, giving speeches of apology and seeking reconciliation. It was a poignant occasion as two groups of people from different fellowships came together in peace and harmony.”
Rex has enjoyed his 40 years in ministry, full of adventure and surprises. He still finds his peace in quiet places. Asked when he feels closest to God, he replied, “Anywhere, at any time, God is right with us, living in us. But to me there is something very special about a breath-taking outdoor location such as a mountain forest or a sandy beach on a starlit night—all the distractions of the modern world fade away and I’m alone with God in a palpable way.”
Thanks so much for your proven dedication and loyalty. As far as I am concerned, there is no better job than to work for the church (yes, even in spite of all the involved stress).
Another enjoyable piece of writing Rex! Your final comments on “finding peace in quiet places” in the great outdoors resonates! Thanks for sharing.