From the President
On mission with GodDear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This week I am in Ottawa, Canada for a conference of our International Directors and Mission Developers. Please pray for God’s guidance as we seek his will for our journey forward as a fellowship on mission with God around the world. In this issue of Weekly Update (click on the links at left), you’ll find reports on the recent regional conferences, on our SEP Florida camp, on the awarding of diplomas from Grace Communion Seminary, on Gary Moore’s recent trip to South Africa, and on the ministry coach training provided by U.S. Church Administration and Development. In all of these denominational ministries, our goal is to equip our churches for their sharing in God’s mission to the world. Thanks for all that you are doing! And may we all remember that prayer, both individually and together, is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith. Love from my family to yours, Joseph Tkach
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